Thermometric property , Thermal Expansion , Volumetric Expansion Three Dimensional Expansion / Cubical Expansion , Bi-metallic Thermometer , Gas Law's , Charle's Law

Thermometric property :

The Property of System Which Changes With Change in Temperature is Called Thermometric Property. 

Ex.  Volume, Pressure, Density, Internal Engergy, Entropy, Resistance. etc

Thermal Expansion :

The Increase in Size of a Substance due to increase in it's Temperature.

Linear Expansion / One Dimensional Expansion 

The Thermal Expansion of Substance in Length. 

. It occurs in Eodshape object.

. L = intial Length 

. ΔT = increase in Temperature 

. ΔL = increase in Length 

Mathematically : 

Volumetric Expansion Three Dimensional Expansion / Cubical Expansion :

The Thermal Expansion of Substance / Cubical Substance in Volume is called Volumetric Expansion Three Dimensional Expansion / Cubical Expansion :

V = initial Volume 

ΔT = Change in Temperature 

ΔV = Change in Volume

Mathematically :

B = Co - efficient of Volumetric Expansion.

           B =  ΔV / VΔT

. Unit of B is K^-1

Inter Conversation Of Scales Of Temperature 

Application Of Thermal Expansion :

i.  Bi-Metallic Thermostat 

. it is a Device Which is Used To Maintain Temperature in a Require Rang.

. it is Consisted Of Strip Of Two Different Metals Which Becomes Curved on Heating.

. it is Used to Make and Breate The Electric Current Supplied To a System.

. it Can Be Used in Both Cooling and heating system.

Bi-metallic Thermometer :

Bi = Two 

Metallica = Metals

A device Used To Eecord Thr Temperature Of Hot Regions. 

. it is Use in a Automobiles, air Thermometer Micronove Oven. 

Gas Law's :

Those Laws Which are studied on The Basis Of Certain Variables Like Pressure Volume, Temperature and Wo, Of Moles This is Called Gas Law's

Gas Laws

. These Law are 

i. Boy's Law

ii. Charle's Law 

iii. Avogadro's Law

i. Boyle's Law :

This Law States That " The Volume Of Given Mass Of Gas is Inversely Proportional To The Pressure At Constent Temperature. 

Mathematically :

. Two Product Of Pressure and Volume is Called Boyle's Law ( K) .

. When Pressure and Volume are Made Doubled.

           P, V = k and  P2 V2 = K

          K = K

          PV = P2V2

. Boyles Law With Respect To Mass Of Gass. 

. The Product of Pressure and Volume is Directly Proportional To The Mass Of Gas. 

Mathematically  :

For Double Pressure Volume and Mass We have

Charle's Law :

This Law Was Proposed By The Scientist Jaeges Alexender Charles in 1787.

This Law States That "The Volume Of a Gas is Directly Proportional To The Temperature The Constant Pressure. 

Mathematically :

. This Law Can Be Stated as " The Ratio Of Volume and Temperature is Always Equal To Constant. 

. The Constant Used in The Gas Law's is Not The Universal Constant and it Changes Value For Different Samples Of Gases i. e Monoatomic, Distomic,  or Polyatomic. 

. When The Temperature Of Any Gaseous Substance Release  To  "- 273'C " Then it Changes it's             State  From Gas To Liquied. 

. This Temperature "-273'C" is Known as Absolute Temperature or Zero Kelvin. 

General Gas Equations 

The Equation Which is Obtained By Combining Boyle's Law,  Charle's Law, and Avogadro's is Known  as General Gas Equation / Equation Of State / Combined Gas Law. 

. Wherevas "R" is The Constant Of Proportionality and it also Known as Universal Gas Constant. 

. It's Constant Value is 8.314J/mol.k Or R = 8.314 j mol k^-1

KMT Of Gases :

Postulates / Assumptions Of Kinetic Molecular Theory :

i).  For a Finite Gas Volume There are Many Number Of Molecules Approxic 3x 10^25

Molecules in a Cubic Meter Of Gas 

ii).  The Distance Between The Gas Molecules is Much Greater in The Comparison Of Their Own               Dimensions That is Why it is Consider That These Molecules Have Negligible Volume.

iii).  The Masses Of These Molecules are marcly Comidred as Point Masses. 

iv).  The Diometer Of Spherical Form Of a Gas Molecule is K 3x10^-18m According To Lexc                      3x10^-10m

v).  The Velocity Of Gas Molecule is Directly Proportional To The Absolute Temperature. 

vi).  The Law's Of Mechanism are Also Applicable in The Gases. 

vii).  The Gas Molecules On Account Of Their Perfect Elastic Collisions Produce The a Pressure. 

viii).  In The Steady State Of a Gas Molecules are Compressed Together and Make The vigorous                   Collision With each Other and With The Walls Of Container. 

Kinetic Interpretation Of Pressure On KMT :

. In The Given Figure There are Three Dimensions Like x, y and Z.

. The Average Velocity Of Gas Molecules in The Given Cylinder is Zero. 

. The Sum Of Velocities in x, y and z Dimensions is Called Root Mean Square Velocity. 

 Considering The Velocities Of Gas Molecules in x, y and z Equally. 

 Now By Putting The above Value in The Equation (i). 

. Show That Kinetic Energy Of Gas Molecules is Directly Proportional To Absolute Temperature :

Derivation Of Boyle's Law From P = 1/3 ev^-2

Specific Heat Capacity :

. The Amount Of Heat Energy Require To Rise The Temperature Of Any Substance Of 1kg At 1K or 1C , This is Called Specific Heat Capacity 

Ex. Iron 1kg,  Copper 1kg, paraffin 1kg,  Water 1kg. 

. The Amount Of Heat Energy Supplied To The Substance is Directly Proportional To The Mass Of         Substance and Change in Temperature. 

Mathematically :

. Where as "C" is Thr Constant Of Proportionality and is Known as Specific Heat Capacity (c). 
                                                 C = ΔQ / mΔT
. Thr Amount Of Heat Energy Supplied To The Substance Per Unit it's mass per Unit change in              Temperature is called Capacity.       
. The Amount Of Heat Energy Supplied Per Unit Change in Temperature is Called Heat Capacity C =                                                              ΔQ / ΔT
                                                      .•. ΔQ / Δ T = C
                                                         C =  c / m

The Heat Capacity Per Unit Mass Of Substance is Also Called Specific Heat Capacity. 

. Heat Capacity is an Extensive Property Because it Depends on Mass 

. Specific Heat Capacity is an intensive Property is because it does not depend on Mass. 

. By Nature it is a Scalar Quantity. 

Specific Heat Capacity depends on :

 i. Chemical Bonding. 

ii. Change in Temperature. 

. S. i Unit Of Specific Heat Capacity is J / kg. K

. The Different States Of Same Sample Possess Different Specific Heat Capacity. 

. The Specific Heat Capacity Of Water is 1cal. g^-1.c^-1.

. The Specific Heat Capacity Of ice Is 0.75 cal. g^-1.c^-1.

. Specific Heat Capacity is Studied For Solid and Liquid Where as For Gas We Discuss The Molar         Specific Heat Capacity. 

Molar Specific Heat Capacity :

The Amount Of Heat Energy Which is Required To Rise The Temperature Of any Gaseous                     Substance Of One Mole At 1K or 1C This is Called Molar Specific Heat Capacity.      
.The Product Of Molecular Mass and The Specific Heat Capacity is Called Molar Specific Heat               Capacity. 

. It has Been Experimenting Proved That The Amount Of Heat is Directly Proportional To No. Of           Moles and Change  in Temperature. 

Mathematically :

There are Two Type Of Molar Specific Heat Capacity. 

 i).  Molar Specific Heat Capacity at Constent Volume (cv). 

 ii).  Molar Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure (cp). 

M. S. H. C at Constant Volume :

The Amount Of Heat Energy Required To Rise The Temperature Of Gaseous Substance Of one Mole At 1k or 1•c by Keeping ps  Volume Constant this is known as M. S. H. C at Cv

. When the Volume Of System is Fixed Then We Have Δv=0 Δn=0 and w=0
. The Formula for M. H.. S. C at Cv. 

                                     Cv = ΔQv / nΔT  

The System contening the Gases Molecules has The Movable Piston When Amount Of Heat is               supplied To it then Expansion Of Gas Molecules Takes Place Which Prevented by Putting The               Load over the piston in this Way volume Remain Constent. 

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