General Knowledge Important MCQs for jobs pts nts ots sts its jobs css


which is the largest river of Baluchistan province?

Ans Hingol

Soan and Haro are famous Rivers of .....

Ans Potwar plateau

Css stands for.........?

Ans cascading style sheets

Which river is called Nile of pakistan ?

Ans Indus River

Mars is called the Red planet, ____ is called Blue planet ?

Ans  Neptune 

( Neptune ) Earth is also called Blue planet

Mercury is the fastest revolving planet of our solar system, Fastest spinning planet of the Solar system is ?

Ans  Jupitor 

Nearest star to our sun is ......?

Ans proxima Centauri 

The planet nearest to the Earth is.....?

Ans Venus 

Which one of the following is a Great Circle?

Ans The Equator 

European Union Founded ?

Ans 1993


1) Astronomy - Study of Celestial Objects

2) Astrology - Study of Celestial Functions

3) Anatomy - Study of Body Structure

4) Bacteriology - Study of Bacteria

5) Biology - Study of Life

6) Bibliology - Study of Books

7) Chemistry - Study of Substance Properties

8) Chaology - Study of Chaos

9) Cosmology - Study of Universe

10) Criminology - Study of Crime

11) Demography - Study of Population

12) Demology - Study of Human Behavior

13) Demonology - Study of Demons

14) Diabology - Study of Devils

15) Diplomatics -Science of Ancient Writings

16) Dysteleology - Study of Useless Organs

17) Ecclesiology - Study of Church Affairs

18) Ecology - Study of Environment

19) Economics - Study of Material Health

20) Egyptology - Study of Ancient Egypt

21) Entomology - Study of Insects

22) Entozoology - Study of Parasites

23) Epidemiology - Study of Diseases

24) Epistemology - Study of Knowledge

25) Eschatology - Study of Final Matters

26) Ethnology - Study of Culture

27) Ethnomethodology - Communication 

28) Ethology - Study of Natural Character

29) Etymology - Study of Word’s Origin

30) Euthenics - Science of Living Conditions

31) Exobiology - Study of Extra-terrestrials

32) Folkloristics - Study of Folklore

33) Garbology - Study of Garbage

34) Gemmology - Study of Gems

35) Genesiology - Study of Heredity

36) Geogony - Study of Earth’s Formation

37) Geography - Study of Earth’s Surface

38) Geology - Study of Earth’s Crust


39) Geomorphogeny- Study of Landform Origin

40) Geratology - Study of Decay

41) Gerocomy - Study of Old Age

42) Gigantology - Study of Giants

43) Glaciology - Study of Ice Age

44) Gloosology - Study of Language

45) Gnosiology - Study of Knowledge

46) Hagiology - Study of Saints

47) Hamartiology - Study of Sin

48) Heliology - Study of the Sun

49) Helmintology - Study of Worms

50) Hematology - Study of Blood

51) Heortology - Study of Religious Feasts

52) Heresiology - Study of Heresies

53) Herpetology - Reptiles and Amphibians

54) Hierology - Science of Sacred Matters

55) Historiology - Study of History

56) Hydrobiology - Study of Aquatic Life

57) Hydrology - Study of Water Resources

58) Iconography - Study of Drawing Symbols

59) Iconology - Study of Symbols

60) Ideology - Science of Ideas

61) Immunology - Study of Immunity

62) Irenology - Study of Peace

63) Kalology - Study of Beauty

64) Ktenology - Study of Killing

65) Lexicology -Study of Words and Meaning

66) Lexigraphy - Art of Defintion of Words

67) Linguistics - Study of Language

68) Liturgiology - Study of Church Rituals

69) Mariology - Study of Virgin Mary

70) Mathematics - Study of Numbers

71) Metaphysics - Principles of Nature

72) Metaphsycology - Nature of the Mind

73)   Microbiology - Study of Microscopics

74)  Meteoritics - Study of Meteors 

75)  Mineralogy - Study of Minerals

76)  Micropaleontology - Study of Micro-fossils 

77) Musicology - Study of Music

78) Mythology - Study of Myths

79)  Nephology - Study of Clouds

80) Naology - Study of Church Architecture  

81)  Neutrosophy - Study of Origins

82) Neurypnology - Study of Hypnotism 

83)   Nymphology - Study of Nymphs

84) Noology - Study of Intellect 

85)   Ombrology - Study of Rains

86) Oceanography - Study of Oceans

87) Oneirology - Study of Dreams

88) Onomastics - Study of Proper Names

89) Ontology - Study of Pure Beings

90) Optics - Study of Light

91) Orthoepy- Study of Correct Pronunciation

92)  Paleoanthropology- Study of Early Human

93) Orthography - Study of Spelling 

94) Pataphysics - Study of Imaginary Solution

95) Patrology - Study of Early Christianity


96)  Paraphsycology- Bizarre Phenomena 

97) Pedagogics - Study of Teaching

98)  Philology - Study of Ancient Texts

99) Phenomenology - Study of Phenomena

100) Planetology - Study of Planets  

101)  Philosophy - Science of Wisdom

102) Polemology - Study of War

103) Praxeology - Study of Efficient Actions

104) Pseudology - Art of Lying

105) Psychognosy - Study of Mentality

106) Pseudoptics - Study of Optical Illusions 

107) Pyrgology - Study of Towers

108) Rheology - Study of Deformation

109) Scatology - Study of Obscene Literature

110) Seismology - Study of Earthquakes

111) Semantolography - Study of Meanings

112) Semantology- Science of Word Meaning

113) Semiotics - Study of Signs and Symbols

114) Sexology - Study of Sexual Behavior

115) Significs - Science of Meanings

116) Sindinology - Study of Shroud of Turin

117) Sitology - Study of Dietetics

118) Sociology - Study of Society

119) Soteriology - Theological Salvation

120) Spectrology - Study of Ghosts

121) Storiology - Study of Folk Tales

122) Stratography - Art in Leading in Army

123) Suicidology - Study of Suicide

124) Symbology - Study of Symbols

125) Synectics - Processes of Invention

126) Systematology - Study of Systems

127) Teratology - Study of Malformation

128) Thanatology - Study of Death

129) Thaumatology - Study of Miracles

130) Theology - Study of Religious Doctrine

131) Toxicology - Study of Poisons

132) Uranography - Descriptive Astronomy

133) Uranology - Study of the Heavens

134) Vexillology - Study of Flags

135) Virology - Study of Virus

136) Volcanology - Study of Volcanoes

137)    Zoosemiotics - Animal Communication

138)  Zootaxy - Science of Classifying Animals

139) Zoochemistry - Chemistry of Animals

140)  Zoology - Study of Animals


1. What is the chemical name of Marble?

Ans :Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

2. What is the chemical name of acid?

Ans : Acaraj (3HCL + HNO3)

4. What is the chemical name of sugar?

Ans : Sucrose (C12H22O11)

6. What is the chemical name of Hypo?

Ans :Sodium thiosulfate - (Na2S2O3.5H2O)

7. What is the chemical name of Laughing Gas?

Ans : nitrous oxide (N2O)

8. What is the chemical name of Bleaching Powder?

Ans : Calcium hypochlorite (CaOcl2)

9. What is the chemical name of sand?

Ans :Silicon oxide (SiO2)

11. What is the chemical name of Alcohol?

Ans : Ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH)

16. What is the chemical name of Suhaga?

Ans : Borax (Na2B4O7.10H2O)

17. What is the chemical name of alum? 

Ans : Potassium Aluminum Sulphate (K2SO4Al2 (SO4) 3 24H2O)

20. What is the chemical name of Gypsum?

Ans :Calcium sulphate (CaSo4.2H2O)

22.  What is the chemical name of Green Vitriol?

Ans :Ferrous sulphate FeSO4. 7H2O)

24. What is the chemical name of cinabar?

Ans :Mercurial sulphide (HgS)

28. What is the chemical name of Slaked Lime?

Ans : Calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH 2)

34. What is the chemical name of Galena?

Ans :Lead sulphide (PbS)

36. What is the chemical name of T.N?

Ans :Tri-Nitrotolvin (C6H2CH3 (NO2) 3)

37. What is the chemical name of Edible Soda?

Ans :Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

General Knowledge Important MCQs urdu for jobs pts nts ots sts its  jobs

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General Knowledge Important MCQs  for jobs pts nts ots sts its  jobs css

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