Law Of Thermodynamics and First Law Of Thermodynamics "Or" Restatement Of Law of Conseration Of Energy

 Law Of Thermodynamics :

There are Two Main Law's Of Thermodynamics .

First Law Of Thermodynamics  "Or" Restatement Of Law of Conseration Of Energy :

This Law State That Energy Can Neither Be Created 'Or' Be Deserted But It Can Be Change From One From To Another Form And The Total Amount Of Energy Remains Constant.


When Amount Of Energy Is Supplied To Increase In The Internal Energy Plus The Work Done By The System.

Mathematically : This Law is Expressed As Under 

           ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW

. When The Amount Of  Heat is Absorbed By The System Then ΔQ is (+ve) .

. If  Amount Of Heat Is Released By System Then  ΔQ is ( -ve ) .

. When The Internal Energy Of The System is Increase Than  ΔU Is (+ve) . If The Internal                Energy Of the System Decreases Then ΔU Is (-ve).

. When The Expansion Of Gas Molecules Takes Place Then The Work Is Done By The          System And Is Positive Work (+ve) . When The Compression Of Gas Molecules Takes        Place Than The Work Is Done On The System And It Is Negative Work (-ve).


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