Heat Reservoir , Cyclic process , Reversible Process, Irreversible Process , Refrigerator

 Heat Reservoir  :

A body of large heat capacity which can supoly the amount of heat to the system or rejects it from the system when required and there is no any appreciable change in it's temperature is called heat reservoir. 

. Heat reserior can be have Like L. T. R and H. T. R.

. Heat reseroir Is used in the isothermal process in ordwr to maintain the temperature of the system. 

. For islthermal expansion heat reserior behave as H. T. R. 

. For isothermal compression heat reseroir  behave as L. T. R. 

Cyclic process  :

Thermodynamical process in which the system regains it's intial position after undergoing certain process this called cyclic process. 

Ex.  Of cyclic process consider above figure in which water is present in boiler.  When this water is heated then it convert into steam.  This steam applies pressure on the turbine. The pressure less steam goes into condenser where it is converted into water and is pushed towards boiler. In this way water attains it's initial state so this is an example of cyclic process. 

Reversible Process  :

The process in which the system as well as surrounding regain it's initial / original position this is called Reversible Process. 

. In the field of thermodynamics it is an imaginary process because both the system and surrounding cann't regain their initial position simultaneous. 

Irreversible Process  :

The process in which the system and the surrounding don't regain Their initial position after undergoing certain process such process is called irreversible process .

. When hot water and cold water are mixed together then it is impossible to separate them. 

Refrigerator :

A device used to cause the flow of heat from cold body to hot body is called Refrigerator. 

. It is opposite process of heat engine. 

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