Thermodynamics, Some important terms of thermodynamics are , System , There are three types of system. Thermodynamics properties , Macroscopic properties

Thermodynamics :

Therm = Heat, Dynamis = Power

. The word thermodynamics is the combination of two greek word therm=heat and dynamic=power.

. The branch of classical physics which deals with study of trem formation of heat energy into the             mechanical work is called thermodynamics. 

Some important terms of thermodynamics are 

. System and surrounding. 

. Thermodynamics properties .

. Macro spcoie Properties. 

. Heat engine .

. Heat reservior. 

. Cyclic process.

. Reversible and irreversible proc..

. Refrigerator. 

System : A collection district and well defined boundaries is called system


     Any thing under our observation is called system

There are three types of system. 

i).   Open system : The system in which both the man and the energy can enter is called open system. 

Ex.  Open food coker

A man (human body) 

Open breoker pull of water. 

ii).  Close system : The system in which energy can enter but mass can not enter this is called closed          system. 

Ex.  Thermometer, electricals wires. 

iii).  Isolated system : The system in which both the man and energy can not enter is called isolated            system. 

Ex.  Thermos flask. 

Thermodynamics properties : 

i).  Microscopic properties : the property which associated with sinhle atom. 

Ex.  Single molecules. 

ii).  Macrospcopic properties : The properties which associate with system which have n.  No. of              mole. 

Macroscopic properties :

i).  Extensive properties. (Mass dependent) 

Ex.  Density, heat capacity,  volume 

ii). Intensive propertoes : mass independent 

Ex.  Specific heat capacity. 

       Specific density. 

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